A lot of business and personal information these days is stored in the cloud. Many people always ask? What is the cloud, where is my data stored – out there in the cloud? The common term cloud can refer to many big names that provide such a service like Dropbox, One Drive, iCloud, Box Sync – Just to name a few! Alot of these providers often have an included 30 day backup for data that may become compromised; Of course this is always a great fail-safe.
So why would I invest in my own cloud? Well If you own your own data space and host your own cloud, then you will own that data stored on it forever! Headway Information Services offer private data hosting services “Private Cloud Services or Data Hosting Services” You can rent a data space for example 500GB of Data Storage for $25 Per month now that’s a lot of data that is privately secured and accessible 24/7. All Information is hosted in house and never outsourced and never will be! If you are after a secure solution for your data requirements to which you own all your own data then request a free consultation today.